Don't Raise Taxes for More Public Transportation
The government should not favor one mode of transportation over another. However, if the goal is to get more people out of their cars, then we should look at ways to remove government barriers to alternatives like private local bus and jitney systems.
No More Bailouts
Republicans and Democrats keep interfering in our economy, making taxpayers pay when big businesses make bad decisions. That just encourages them to keep acting stupid. The government should stop picking winners and losers. No more bailouts.
End Foreign Wars
Republicans used to say they opposed nation-building, but they have gotten us involved in lots of nation-building. Democrats pretended that they would end the wars, but they have only prolonged them. We need to end our policies of foreign interventionism now, stop the drone attacks, and bring our troops home.
End the War on Drugs
The war on drugs has been expensive and destructive. The government has thrown people in prison who never hurt anyone, and has also created huge violent black markets. Drug abuse can be a serious disease, but it shouldn't be a crime. It's time to end the war on drugs.
Shut Down Federal Departments
We need to shut down federal departments like Education, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, and others. Republicans sometimes claim they want to reduce these departments, but they're lying. Over the last twelve years, Republicans have frequently voted for massive increases in these departments. Let's shut them down instead.
No More Farm Subsidies
Politicians from agricultural states use farm subsidies to buy votes. Farmers don't need subsidies, and most of the benefits go to huge agribusinesses. Let's reduce the burden on taxpayers by ending farm subsidies.
End the TSA
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) wastes our money groping us at airports. The TSA isn't doing us any good, it's just wasteful security theater that violates our rights. Let's end it.
Get Government Out-of-Job Creation
Government jobs programs destroy more jobs than they create. By redirecting money away from the productive and efficient private sector, they harm our economy and cause a net loss of jobs. Let's end these programs.
Cut Entitlements
We've promised people far too much. They are not going to get what they've been led to expect. Let's be honest and stop making false promises. We need to cut entitlement spending now.
Stop Mortgaging our Future
Government debt has placed an unfair burden on our children and grandchildren. Republicans and Democrats often complain about the debt, but they're the ones who keep causing it. We need to cut federal spending by more than 40% right away, to stop increasing this burden.
Cut Taxes
If you've read this far, you've seen many ways to cut federal spending. Once all those things are cut, we'll be able to make huge cuts in federal taxes. We might even be able to get rid of the IRS.